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Auto Z Touch Plate

General Information

Applicable Revisions
Tool dives into touch plate or does not trigger a Probe Active signal when using Auto-Z Procedure. 🔗
Possible Cause Corrective Action

The Auto-Z Touch Plate is not plugged into the AUX1 port on the Plug-and-Play Controller.

Ensure the Auto-Z Touch Plate cable is connected to the AUX1 port and fully seated and secured.

More information:

To test the Auto-Z Touchplate signal, place the magnet on the brass surface. If Mach4 is receiving the signal from the touch plate, the Probe Signal indicator below the Auto-Z Touch Plate button should change from Inactive to Active .

The Auto-Z Touch Plate magnet is not attached or has an inconsistent connection with the tool or spindle nose.

Ensure the Auto-Z Touch Plate magnet is securely connected to the tool or spindle nose.

The tool has a non-conductive coating that does not allow the circuit to complete.

Set offsets for the tool manually or choose a different tool.

Accuracy & Cut Quality

Applicable Revisions
Work offset shifted or not aligned with material corner after using touch plate to set all axes. 🔗
Possible Cause Corrective Action

Tool diameter was not set correctly in the touch plate dialog window.

Ensure the diameter entered matches the diameter of the tool being used and re-run the touch off routine.

More information:

Auto Z Touch Plate Tutorial

Toolpath was not regenerated after using the touch plate.

If G-code is loaded prior to setting X / Y zero, the toolpath will need to be regenerated to account for work offset prior to cutting.

More information:

Auto Z Touch Plate Tutorial

Error Messages

Applicable Revisions
Message: "ERROR: Tool or magnet is contacting touch plate". 🔗
Possible Cause Corrective Action

The touch plate is contacting a conductive workpiece, like aluminum. The touch plate signal is grounded through the material and machine frame, causing an active signal.

Use a thin non-conductive material to isolate the touch plate from the workpiece and other conductive materials, like vices.

The magnet is still contacting the touch plate.

Attach the magnet to the tool and retry the Auto Z procedure.

More information:

Auto Z Touch Plate Instructions