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Assembly & Setup Instructions

Machine Assembly

If you just received your CNC machine, on behalf of everyone at Avid CNC, thank you for your purchase! Begin with the step-by-step machine assembly instructions for your specific model.

  • Assembly instructions for PRO CNC machines.
  • Standard CNC
  • Assembly instructions for Standard CNC machines.
  • Benchtop PRO
  • Assembly instructions for Benchtop PRO CNC machines.
  • Benchtop Standard
  • Assembly instructions for Benchtop Standard CNC machines.

Post-Assembly Machine Setup

After assembling your CNC machine, the instructions below will guide you through additional setup steps. Some items may not be applicable, depending on how your machine is configured.

Electronics Documentation

Electronics documentation is available for both Controllers and DIY systems.

CNC Control Systems:

Spindle / VFD Systems:

Plasma Systems:

Laser Systems:

DIY Electronics Kits:

Individual Components

If you purchased a full CNC machine, please refer to the Machine Assembly instructions above. The instructions below are only for those who specifically purchased individual components.

Archived Instructions

The archived section contains previous-revision instructions and documentation. If you need previous-revision assembly instructions for complete CNC machines, refer to the Machine Assembly instructions for your specific model. They will contain a Downloads section with previous-revision assembly instructions.